Organisational transformation

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At the root of any significant change is behaviour. The concept of behaviour change feels more relevant to the world of work now than it has ever done before. Against a backdrop of conflicting pressures, employee behaviours can mean the difference between success and failure for a business.

Focus is critical

For over two decades, t-three has done one thing really well – work across sectors, situations and countries to help our clients make the behavioural changes required to support the successful realisation of business strategy at all levels in the organisation. No-one makes change to the way they work unless they are given – or find – a compelling reason to do so.

t-three are challenging our organisations to consider that how leaders particularly behave, drives performance of a business, and that’s a real insight for our organisation that’s refreshing.

How we deliver results

  1. Identifying a small set of non-negotiable behaviours: We work with organisations to define the non-negotiable behaviours that are essential for delivering corporate goals.
  2. Creating a pull up your organisation: We harness the power of social influencers in an organisation, supporting them to instil desired behaviours through peer-to-peer influence.
  3. Creating a leadership push down: We work alongside leaders so they are equipped to create the right environment; nurturing the desired culture and removing identified obstacles.
  4. Embedding new behaviours throughout the organisation: We work closely with organisations to embed new behaviours in all HR functions, including recruitment, performance management and workforce planning.

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