Iain Macdonald

Chartered Building Surveyor

Gateley Smithers Purslow


Iain is a highly-experienced Chartered Building Surveyor with 25 years of post-graduate experience. He provides a wide range of technical skill, knowledge, and experience in all aspects of project and professional building surveying services including but not limited to advising on specification of works, documents for tender and appointment of contractors, procurement routes, determining the condition of existing buildings, identifying and analysing defects including proposals for repair.

He has vast experience of designing, procuring, and managing refurbishment works on residential and commercial projects.

In addition to undertaking core building surveying duties, Iain also has extensive experience as acting as a contract administrator and principal designer/ CDM advisor on projects that range from £50,000 to £4m.

How do you help clients?

I successfully manage numerous projects from their initial inception through to completion, dealing with the clients’ requirements through each step of the process.

I have extensive experience working with both public and private sector clients and understands the requirements and needs of different clients, to ensure they receive best value for their investment within a project.

I have managed retrofit projects to provide warmer, more comfortable homes, that improve the energy rating of the properties and reduce tenant’s energy bills.


  1. Iain has worked with local authority clients to improve the energy efficiency of several residential properties, by installing external and internal insulation.
  2. Iain has acted as the project lead to refurbish a swimming pool that now enhances the visitor experience for all customers and has transformed the pool into a bright and modern community asset.
  3. Iain was the contract administrator to refurbish several residential properties affected by flood damage and ensured the occupiers were able to return to their property timeously.