Notice of cyber security incident
We are currently managing a cyber security incident after discovering unauthorised activity on our network.
The intrusion was quickly identified by our IT team and we acted immediately to secure our systems, taking some systems offline while we undertook necessary extensive investigations into the incident. Based on the information gathered to date, we are confident that our security controls were effective in limiting the impact of the incident which has been confined to a very small part of our data store, approximately 0.2% of our data.
The incident has been reported to the necessary authorities and regulators including the National Crime Agency, Action Fraud and the Information Commissioner's Office. We are working with experienced cyber security professionals to support our investigation and identify any parties that may have been affected. The impacted data did include some client data but there is no evidence currently to suggest that the affected data has been further disseminated. We will, of course, contact anyone affected in due course. Â We have carefully but rapidly re-established our core systems to enable us to continue to work and communicate with our clients, suppliers and intermediaries.
Rod Waldie, Chief Executive Officer of Gateley, said:
IT security is of paramount importance to Gateley and we had carefully planned for the occurrence of risk that a cyber breach could have on the business. Â Incidents of this nature are, sadly, prevalent. I am grateful that the prompt actions of our IT team have limited the impact of this incident and enabled us to resume our business operations swiftly.
We are continuing to work with specialist cyber security professionals to investigate the incident and identify any parties that may have been affected and we will, of course, contact anyone affected in due course. In the meantime, we are restoring all of our systems in a safe and secure manner as quickly as possible and do not expect at this stage any significant disruption to our day-to-day activities or financial performance."
If any client has any concerns about the incident, we would encourage them to contact their day-to-day Relationship Manager.