Post-election employment law changes - what will Labour do?
The change in Government has shifted to Labour for the first time in 14 years. Here we consider what employment law changes will come into force from this election.
Employment Law: 2023 round up and changes to look out for in 2024
2023 saw several significant changes in employment law. Here we explore a handful of the most important changes for employers to be aware of as we move into 2024.
Government announces plans to reform employment law
On 10 May 2023 the government published plans to: limit the length of non-compete clauses to three months; amend the holiday provisions in the Working Time Regulati…
A guide to TUPE information and consultation
In this guide our experts give an outline of what is meant by TUPE information as well as provide an overview of the consultation process.
TUPE consultation: changing terms and conditions in an insolvency situation
In this Q&A we aim to delve a little deeper into the rules on consultation, as well as changing terms and conditions of employment of transferring employees, wh…
Employment due diligence during the share sale of a company: the seller’s perspective
This guide sets out the main HR topics and practical considerations from a seller’s perspective as part of employment due diligence during the share sale of a compa…
Employment considerations when acquiring a business: the buyer’s perspective
When acquiring a business by way of share purchase, or when buying assets of a business subject to TUPE, a buyer will want to review the target’s employment practic…
Buying or selling a business: can TUPE be avoided?
Our employment experts answer some commonly-asked questions regarding the application of TUPE to business transfers.
TUPE: what if the business is in administration?
TUPE protects the rights of employees when the business they work in is purchased by a new employer, but what happens if their original employer is insolvent at the…
TUPE and Service Provision Changes: key considerations
There are a number of considerations for employers assessing the relevance of Service Provision Changes and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regu…