Navigating trade marks for influencers
In this article our expert shares best trade mark practices for influencers.
Amazon takedowns and unjustified threats
In this insight we investigate how an Amazon takedown notice can be a communication which amounts to a “threat of infringement proceedings”.
IP Advance funding: What you need to know
In this insight we provide a brief overview of the IP Advance scheme which is intended to support SMEs looking to explore, or enhance, their IP portfolios.
Will the new Government secure growth for university spinouts beyond the Golden Triangle?
Change may be on the horizon for the UK’s university spinout sector. We explore whether this will help to spread investment and opportunity more evenly for spinouts…
Can IP protect originators and consumers in the fight against fake cosmetics?
Counterfeits in the cosmetics industry threaten not only a brand’s income and reputation but can also be harmful to the individuals that use them. This article expl…
What factors affect costs upon entry into the European regional phase?
If you are considering taking your PCT application forward in Europe before the European Patent Office, it’s important to be aware of the fees associated with the p…
Trade mark opposition process: key differences between the UK and EU
This article highlights the differences between the UK and the EU trade mark opposition process to ensure users are prepared for key milestones and make the best us…
G1/22 and G2/22: Enlarged Board of Appeal decision on priority entitlement
This decision by the Enlarged Board of Appeal provides an important update on how priority claims will be assessed on European patent applications affecting applica…
Not milk? How food labelling regulations may affect UK trade mark registrations
Trade mark applications for plant-based foods in the UK are unlikely to be rejected automatically for containing a restricted word, but there is enough uncertainty …
Supreme Court decides AI machine cannot be named as inventor
The increasing prominence of AI in our day-to-day lives has given rise to a wide range of legal issues. Find out more about a landmark decision regarding a patent a…